What is Digital Advertising?


What is Digital Advertising?
Digital advertising can also be referred to as paid advertising. It refers to every strategy and process involved in generating referral traffic to your site via paid digital display ads. Marketers often conduct digital advertising on different platforms, depending on where their target audience is most concentrated. Some of these platforms include:
• Google (Adwords)
• Facebook
• YouTube
• ConnectYu
• CMTVPlus
• Twitter
• Among all the above-listed platforms, studies show that Facebook and Google alone drive 80 percent of the referral traffic. Ads on Google and Facebook are typically pay-per-click (PPC) ads, which means that the advertiser pays a fee every time their ad is clicked.
• Another great feature of digital advertising is the ability to use remarketing. With remarketing advertisements, you can successfully convert window shoppers to customers by showing them ads after they have left your website. Have you ever searched for an item in an online store, only for you to leave that site and see the same item on another site you visit? That is remarketing. Businesses use this tactic to send customers back to items they’ve viewed before on their site. The idea is to remind the customers that they were once interested in this product. Perhaps when they were on your website it wasn’t a good time to make a purchase or they needed to think about it a little more. When you show them a remarketing ad in the future, you may be able to convert them at that time.

I am Bobe Nkwain Chiambah founder and C.E.O. of Chillen Media Inc. where we leveraging the power of media and technology to empower you.

Please, Subscribe to this channel for more Tutorials on Digital Marketing:

Chillen Media: https://chillenmedia.com/
ConnectYu: https://www.connectyu.com/
CMTVPLus: https://www.cmtvplus.com/import-video
MardPlay: https://www.mardplay.com/
Meettunes: https://www.meettunes.com
ChatMeQuick: https://www.chatmequick.connectyu.com
EyeDeHot: https://www.eyedehot.com/
StarBilang https://starbilang.com
ConnectYuBuzz: https://www.connectyubuzz.com/
C Academy: https://academy.connectyu.com/
Bollodey https://bollodey.com/

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